Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation

Chanel Vitalumere Aqua 粉底液(HKD410 for 30ml), 屬於中度遮暇的粉底液,使用前需要先搖勻,質地十分水潤,且氣味清香,十分容易推勻,用手或掃也可以輕易塗勻。有多達約10款色系,適合本身皮膚較好/喜歡淡妝的人。用後不會氧化變色,而且帶點光滑暮色,如果你本身鍾情啞緻妝容的話/屬油性皮膚,這粉底未必適合你。小編自己覺得妝容自然,雖價錢稍貴,但整體效果相當不俗,絕對會回購!

This foundation is a high-end one. It smells really nice, gives light to medium coverage, very moiturizing and glides on beautifully! If you have mature skin or prefer very natural looking make up, this is for you! It has slightly glowy and dewy finish, not quite suitable for people who prefer matte finish. You’ve to shake well before using though. Because it is quite “watery” as the name Aqua suggests, it is easily blendable and you can definitely build it up for more coverage if needed. It is pretty expensive but considering all of its benefits, I will definitely repurchase it. x

#chanel #foundation #vitalumiereaqua #highend #dewy #glowy #review #makeup #cosmetics #glamituphk


Real Techniques Brushes

如果你有用開化妝掃,推介你用呢款 #realtechniques 。來自英國,由熱捧化妝youtubers Samatha Chapman推出,價錢約HKD100-150一枝,比一般M.A.C或Sephora的平一大截!但毛質非常好,唔會掉毛,而且可以將化妝品均勻搽上,Glam It Up萬二分推介你,包你一試愛上!圖中展示係其中最熱銷的三款,佢有好多不同系列的,如果你有朋友在英國,可以去Boots買到。如果你想訂購,可直接上,佢地仲免international shipping既費用tim! x

Who does not love/know these gorgeous brushes from Real Techniques? They are designed by Samantha Chapman, a very popular make up guru and youtuber. They are inexpensive but their quality can beat many other brushes down! I think some of them are even better than M.A.C ones or Sephora ones! I only display three of the most popular here but you can always get more (such as for mineral makeup products) from Boots if you are in the UK or from, which also offers free international shipping! So come on, invest on them. They definitely make you make up looks ten times better and more flawless! x

#realtechniques #makeup #brushes #uk #drugstore #boots #feelunique #goodquality #tools #investment #glamituphk


L’Oreal Paris Pure Micellar Cleansing Water


This cleansing water has a very similar texture with the Bioderma’s ones. I think it is quite a good drug store alternative if you are on a budget. It may not dissolve your make up as quickly as the Bioderma’s ones. But what can you expect more from a drug store product that is only HKD99? It does its job to wipe away your make up. It cannot get rid of water proof make up. Its design is ok but I dont prefer the way the product comes out from the bottle’s mouth because you can get more than you need. Overall, this product is above average in its performance and price. You can try it!


Rimmel London Aprocalips Lip Lacquer

Rimmel London Aprocalips Lip Lacquer 來自英國的唇部妝品,集合唇膏、唇彩於一身。售價約HKD78 (6英磅,大家可以去Rimmel 官方網頁 參考其他色,今次介紹的是Aurora,適合任何膚色。右圖是一搽上產品之後的效果,如果想有啞色效果,如左圖,可以用紙巾輕印數下便可。產品持久度十分高,尤其是啞色時,它有lip stain效果,可以防水!如果大家有興趣購買,Glam It Up推介你去 ! 這網站提供多款歐、英、美化妝用品,而且滿一定金額已經包郵,送貨快速(約2-3日)!大家可以試試!

I bought this lip product from Rimmel London when I was in London and I absolutely love it! Thank you @fleurdeforce for introducing this in her fav videos! It comes intp many different shades and the one being shown here is called Aurora. You can put on one coat with the shiny lipgloss effect or try the @lisaeldrige method of blocking your lip product with a tissue gently to achieve the matte effect (as you can see from the left picture). This is a very affordable product that only costs abt 6 pounds (equivalent to HKD78 roughly). You can order this online at, which also helps you purchase many other make up brands products from UK, US and Europe. It offers free delivery for certain amount of product bought and its efficieny is amazing! You can receive your order in 2-3 days! You should definitely try this fabulous lip stain/lipgloss from Rimmel! You wont be disappointed! x

#Rimmel #london #lipstain #lipgloss #aprocalips #makeup #cosmetics #review #glamituphk


Bobbi Brown Tinted Eye Brightener


今次推介呢枝Brightener(Bisque 3),可用於眼底或其他臉部遮暇。產品採用類似唇彩的設計,海棉狀掃頭有助提取產品和平均搽上產品。產品本身有大約10-12色選擇(粉色tone至灰色tone都有,可以請教專櫃職員),今次介紹呈粉色tone的,有助平均黑眼圈的藍調,售價約HKD380。

This tinted eye brightener by Bobbi Brown (in the shade of Bisque 3) can be used to cover dark circles under the eye areas or other spots. It has light to medium coverage. It comes with the lipgloss like design that the tip of it helps to apply the concealer evenly and easily. It comes with mant different shades from pink to grey undertone, depending on your needs. The staff at the counter was very helpful by selecting this one with pink undertone for me to cover my dark circles. If I remember correctly it is about HKD380.



You can see from the picture (no.5) how it covers most of my dark circles. You can blend it with your fingers or a brush (Im using the real technique foundation brush here). Since it it very liquidy, you can top up at anytime you want without worrying about crease or enhancing any fine lines under your eye areas. It really conceals everything without making your skin feel cakey. Highly recommended!

#bobbibrown #conceal #tinted #eyes #brightener #worththemoney #makeup #cosmetics #glamituphk



唇妝越來越大熱,各大牌子都紛紛推出不同的唇膏唇彩,而且大家都越來越著重唇妝部分,特別是受韓劇影響,大家都想學女主角的韓式咬唇妝,但咬唇妝是怎樣化的呢?等Glam It Up大家化韓式咬唇妝吧!


  1. 本人唇部較乾,唇色較深及下唇比上唇較厚
  2. 首先先搽上潤唇膏,然後待它吸收(如時間較趕的,搽上潤唇膏後,可用紙巾輕輕印一印,有少許滋潤便可)
  3. 將遮暇膏用手指輕輕於唇邊印一印,將唇邊邊沿印淡,變得沒有那麼明顯(如好像我下唇較厚,可於下唇用遮暇膏修飾一下,令下唇及上唇厚度差不多)
  4. 然後將唇膏搽上唇內,不要將整個咀唇都搽上
  5. 跟著用手指輕輕地由內印向外,做成漸變效果,如顏色不明顯,可重覆第3-5步驟)
  6. 最後,搽上lip gloss,做法跟搽上唇膏一樣,搽少許於唇印,用手指輕輕由內印向外,不過lip gloss份量可以少少便何,否則咀唇會太過令身了(如你的唇膏較令身,則可以不用搽上lip gloss,或如你喜歡啞色的,便可以不用搽上lip gloss)


我用的產品是HEAVY ROTATION lip Concealer, 3CE #NEON PINK及REVLON #235,遮暇膏不一定要用唇部遮暇膏,可用回自己用開的遮暇膏,而唇膏不要用淺色的,因做不到漸變效果。


M.A.C mastermatch liquid foundation



This foudation is from M.A.C with a price of HKD380. It comes with many different shades. The demo here is 1.0, for pretty fair to pale skin tone.


It has medium coverage. It is creamy and easily blendable, suitable for those who look for natural make-up. I take about a bean size of amount for my entire face. I recommend using your hand instead of a foundation brush.



You can see how it blends on the right picture. It may not fit those with a dry skin. If you wish to use it, perhaps you need to apply moisturizer to soften your skin first.



As you can see from the back of my hand, the foundation covers my original skin color. It does not feel cakey. Instead it gives glow to your skin!



It is also easily cleansed with my Bioderma cleansing water.

Overall, it comes with the following rating (5 stars as the best):
1. Price 價錢:***
2. Texture 質地:****
3. Transparency 透薄:****
4. Conceal 遮暇:****
5. Brightening 明亮:*****
6. Long-lasting 持久:****
7. Easily cleansed 易卸:****
8. Repurchase 回購:****

Benefit POREfessional Pro Balm


Price: HKD300
Texture: very light, you can’t feel it at all
Color: only one shade, nude color that can easily merge with your skin color
Effect: very good balm and primer that can cover any obvious pores and some redness
How to use it: apply it before any foundation. It functions as a primer.

Re-purchase (5 stars mean the best): ****
Price: ***
Effect: ****




Revlon Bold Red Lipgloss


Can’t stand pale lips? There you go, quick fix that instantly give you life!



This is the lip gloss we were talking about. Smooth, rich, good coverage of your original lips color and gorgeous! Give it a try! It is sold at HKD78 only! x

#revlon #lipgloss #pigmented #goodforwinter #hollywood #chic #frenchwomen #couture #red #bold #signature #lips #makeup #cosmetics #glamituphk